Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Language Of Family Is A Universal Essay - 2019 Words
The language of family is a universal one. While one may not prioritize family above all else, they will still be able to see that every person deserves the chance to live in a healthy environment, including a family- one could mention life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, slave narratives from the 18th and 19th century have shown us the previously commonly held belief that African slaves were somehow less than human, and therefore could not love their families in the same way white people did, or need to exist by the same standard of decent living as white people. Descriptions of family life and living conditions given to us by slaves show just how determined white slave owners were to make their constructed stereotypes realities, and expose justifications for slavery as just that- justifications. Former slaves like Frederick Douglass, Mary Prince, Venture Smith, James Mars, and William Grimes shared their stories not only to aid in the fight to end slavery, but all of the harmful stereotypes about people of African descent that had developed along with the institution of slavery. Black slaves lived in a world of constructed stereotypes. In order to dehumanize them, white people asserted that they were inferior of mind, sexually promiscuous, unable to be virtuous, and dangerous- closer to animal than man. Christoph Meiners, a German philosopher and polygenist who coined the term â€Å"Caucasian†, said that white people, being purer, had softer, more easilyShow MoreRelatedThe Family Of Man Exhibition1482 Words  | 6 PagesCurated by Edward Steichen and first shown in 1955, The Family of Man Exhibition is claimed to be the most powerful and â€Å"greatest photographic exhibition of all time.†This said to be culmination of his career brings forward an overall idea or theme of unity and relation among all globally. The exhibition s layout and works all display people rendering or displaying recognizable actions, as a result, havi ng a great impact on the many people who have viewed the show. Two photographs in particularRead MoreDo Humans Perceive And Categorize The World?1715 Words  | 7 Pageslinguistic and cultural categories influence how people perceive, remember, and categorize the world? What, if any, universals seem to exist? 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What is the ancient story of how the world came to have many languages (nearly 7,000 today, according to the author)? Do you believe this story is true? The ancient story is the Tower of Babel. Mankind spoke a universal language following the great flood and this led to the construction of a tower to display the greatest of humanity. As a result, God confounded their speech so that they could no longer understand each other and scattered them around the world. I do believe this story to be trueRead MoreTwin Speech : The Construction Of A Language870 Words  | 4 Pagesconstruction of a language between a set twins or children close in age. The condition is said to occur in 40% to 47% of twins, Previously, the cause of twin speech was thought to be parents using baby talk with their children (Baker, 1987;). It is currently believed to be a product of social isolation (Golding-Bird White, 1890). 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Monday, December 16, 2019
What Is Human Resource Planning and How Does It Contribute to Achieving an Organisations Goals Free Essays
This essay discusses the importance of HR planning and the major steps of planning in order to demonstrate its importance and use: Forecasting; Inventory, Audit, HR Resource Plan, Acting on Plans, Monitoring and Control. So what is human resource planning and how does it contribute to achieving organizational goals? Human resource planning is the responsibility of all managers. HR planning links people management to the organization’s mission, vision, goals and objectives, as well as its strategic plan. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Human Resource Planning and How Does It Contribute to Achieving an Organisations Goals or any similar topic only for you Order Now A key goal of HR planning is to have the right number of people with the right skills, experience and competencies in the right jobs at the right time and costs. When we prepare our planning programme, Employers /senior managers should bear in mind that their staff members have their own objectives and that people are different from the other resources that are deployed in an organization as people have thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. This is the reason why employees seek employment within companies that match their needs best (eg. Flexi working hours, training etc.. ). Human resources are the people that work for an organization, and Human Resource Management is concerned with how these people are managed. The term HRM has thus come to refer to an approach, which takes into account both: †¢The needs of the organization †¢The needs of its people. Neglecting these needs would result in poor motivation that may lead to unnecessary poor performance and even Industrial actions. Commencing an HR Plan is often complicated, but the results provide a smooth and efficient set of processes that allow organizational goals to be achieved in an orderly fashion. Planning involves gathering information that would enable managers and supervisors to make sound decisions. The information obtained is also utilized to make better actions for achieving the objectives of the Organization. There are many factors that you have to look into when deciding on a HR Planning programme. As mentioned above HR Planning involves the gathering of information, making objectives, and making decisions to enable the organization achieve its objectives. When HR Planning is applied in the field of HR Management, it would assist to address the following questions: How many staff does the Organization have? †¢What is the cost of employees and can they be reduced? †¢What type of employees as far as skills and abilities does the Company have? †¢How should the Organization best utilize the available resources? †¢How can the Company keep its employees? Human resource management therefore involves finding out about the needs and aspirations of individual employees, for example through the appraisal process and then creating the opportunities within the organization (e. g. through job enlargement) and outside the organization (e. . through taking up educational opportunities at local colleges/universities) for employees to improve themselves. HRM therefore relates to every aspect of the way in which the organization interacts with its people, e. g. by providing training and development opportunities, appraisals to find out about individual needs, training and development needs analysis, etc. Opportunities and courses for individuals to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes that help the organization to achieve its objectives. Development – the provision of opportunities and courses for individuals to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes that help themselves to achieve personal objectives. Training and development needs†¦ From the above we can see that HR have a huge task keeping pace with the all the internal and external changes and ensuring that the right people are available to the Organization at the right time. The changes in composition of a workforce not only influence the appointment of staff, but also the methods of selection, training, compensation and motivation. It becomes critical when Organizations merge, plants are relocated, and activities are scaled down due to financial problems. Poor HR Planning and/ or a lack of it in the Organization are likely to result in huge costs and financial looses. It may result in staff posts taking too long to be filled or unable to find the required skills. This can inflate costs and obstruct effective work performance and motivation as employees may be requested to work unnecessary overtime and may not put more effort due to fatigue / lack of motivation. If extra work is then delegated this may stretch employees beyond their capacity which will cause unnecessary disruptions to the production of the Organization. Employees are put on a disadvantage because their lifestyles are disrupted and they are not given the chance to plan for their career development. The most important reason why HR Planning should be managed and implemented is due to cost savings and ensuring the right skills are available at the required time; because costs form an important part of the Organizations budget, workforce Planning enables the Organization to provide HR provision costs. For example when there is a staff shortage, the organization can consider options other than just recruiting new staff, such as training and transferring of staff. The first step in HR Planning requires that we gather data on the Organizational goals objectives; in effect its management understand where the Organization wants to go and how it wants to get to that point and forecasting human resource availability. This involves an examination of the internal and external labour supply. Present employees who can be promoted, transferred, demoted or developed make up the internal supply. The external supply consists of people who do not currently work for the organisation. The needs of the employees are derived from the corporate objectives of the Organization. They stem from shorter and medium term objectives and their conversion into action budgets (eg) establishing a new branch in Singapore by January 2014 and staff it with an Office Manager – ?30,000, an Administrator -?21,550, and two Sales staff – ?18000 per year. For this reason the HR Plan will have a process to convert planned Company strategies into planned results and budgets so that these can be converted in terms of money and skills required. To forecast the organization’s future HR requirements and determine from where they will be obtained. Three sets of forecasts are required: †¢a forecast of the demand for human resources †¢a forecast of the supply of external human resources †¢a forecast of the supply of human resources available within the organization After knowing what human resources are required in the Organization, they will then want to measure / analyze the current employees in the Organization. The HR inventory will relate to data concerning numbers, ages, and locations, and an analysis of individuals and skills. A Skills inventory provides detailed information on professional and technical skills and other qualifications provided in the firm. It reveals what skills are immediately available in the firm when compared to the forecasted HR requirements. Given the constant changes in our lives, competition and the world our HR resources can also change rapidly. HR inventory requires data to be collated; the HR audit involves the examination and analysis of the inventories data. The Audit analyses what had occurred in the past and at present in terms of labor turn over, productivity, age and sex groupings, training costs and absence. With this information, you are better able to predict what will happen to HR / be required in relation to the future of the Organization through patterns and trends. With the audit being completed we are able to look at career Planning and HR plans. People are the greatest assets in any Organization. Individual Organizations develop their employees in the way ideally suited to their individual capacities in accordance with their own goals. The main reason is that the Organization’s objectives should be aligned as near as possible, or matched, in order to give optimum scope for the developing potential of its mployees. Therefore, career planning may also be referred to as HR Planning or succession planning- namely that what will happen if employee A leaves tomorrow? The main issues to consider with HR: †¢Are we utilizing all of the available talent we have in the Organization, and have we enough abilities for the future? †¢Are employees satisfied with our interest in their growth in terms of advancing their career? Designating individuals to planned future posts enables the Senior management to ensure that these individuals are suitably prepared for roles that will arise in the future. There are three fundamentals necessary to start actioning a plan: †¢To have a fixed direction. †¢There must be acceptance and backing from top management for the planning. †¢Detailed knowledge of the available resources (i. e) financial, physical and human (Management and Technical). HR Plans become Corporate plans once they are acted upon as having been made and concurred with top management, the plans become a part of the company’s long-range plan. Failure to achieve the HR Plans due to cost, or lack of knowledge, may result in long-term plans being adversely affected. Given that the success of an organization ultimately depends on how well its human resources are managed, HR planning will continue to grow in importance. Successful HR planning requires the HR manager to ensure that: †¢HR personnel understand the HR planning process †¢Top management is supportive †¢The organization does not start with an overly complex system †¢The communications between HR personnel and line management are healthy †¢The HR plan is integrated with the organization’s strategic business plan †¢There is a balance between the quantitative and qualitative approaches to HR planning. Monitoring and Control is the last stage of HR planning in the Organization. Once the programme has been accepted and implementation launched, it has to be monitored and controlled. The HR department has to make regular reviews to see what is happening in terms of the available resources and that processes are followed with appropriate / expected results (training, recruitment etc.. ). The aims of the reviews are to ensure that we utilize all talents and resources optimally to ensure goals are achieved. As we can see the HR plan is the basis of Human Resources Management. We now have a review of Human Resource planning and its importance as without it- we will not be able to utilize our Organizational talents effectively; we are not likely to have the skills we require, when we require them, to complete projects effectively and maintain a competitive advantage. By using the available talents optimally and in an orderly fashion you are able to enhance profits and develop your company with minimal costs; and this can only be achieved with adequate / sufficient HR Planning. How to cite What Is Human Resource Planning and How Does It Contribute to Achieving an Organisations Goals, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Frederick Douglass Quote Log free essay sample
Capable of high attainments as an intellectual and moral being needing nothing but a comparatively small amount of cultivation to make him an ornament to society and a blessing to his race by the law of the land, by the voice of the people, by the terms of the slave code, he was only a piece of property, a beast of burden, a chattel personal, nevertheless! †* Page 4 * Pathos, logos * The audience of this piece is educated, white abolitionist men from the north. Because of this, this speaker chooses to frequently use logos to make his argument, which is evident in this passage. He is straight forward in describing what it truly means to be a slave, and how they are of no lesser value than white people. These are simply facts, but the tone in which they are presented enable the audience/reader to understand where he is coming from and take his side. We will write a custom essay sample on Frederick Douglass Quote Log or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * â€Å"I reminded the audience †¦ might burst of feeling. The exigence (issue being addressed? ) of this piece is the issue of slavery. Most pro-slavery people truly believed that blacks were of lesser value than them, and were of no potential benefit to society other than working as a slave. The author of the preface uses the logos appeal to prove this to be untrue, by explaining that the characteristics of a slave exist not because of the slave’s race, but because of the slavery itself. The capitalization of â€Å"the domestic institution†makes him sound more emotional and strong, as if he is yelling because he is so upset over the issue. * â€Å"Mr. Douglass has frankly disclosed †¦ if they are untrue.  Again, we have known you long †¦ fair specimen of the whole truth. These two passages are clear ethos appeal for Fredrick Douglass. Though someone else wrote both excerpts, they both give Douglass credibility that will carry on into his narrative. It makes Douglass’ narrative more powerful as a whole because the reader truly believes what he or she is reading. â€Å"There is no single spot †¦ I should throw the MS. into the fire., logos * Since the audience is mostly abolitionists, the author uses the logos appeal here to evoke a pathos appeal in them. He says that there is nowhere that a slave can ever truly be safe. People that were pro-slavery would probably think nothing of this statement, but this audience is educated and open-minded, and is able to recognize how unfair a situation the slaves are in. The impact of this quote is great, because the readers realize how trapped the slaves were and it makes the readers feel for them and want to do something about it. The audience is educated, and these facts are given to show how these slaves are intentionally dehumanized to prevent them from being able to develop even the most basic knowledge of themselves as individuals. It is effective because it shows the readers that it is not the slaves fault that they appear less educated, it is because they are intentionally kept ignorant. * â€Å"She made her journeys to see me in the night, travelling the whole distance on foot, after the performance of her day’s work.  In this passage, Douglass is talking about his mother. Most of the audience are adults, and are most likely parents in their own right. In this way, they can empathize with the desire of a parent to be with their child. This is effective in showing how slaves are humans just like everyone else and have emotion and longing to be with their families. * â€Å"He must not only whip them himself†¦ ply the gory lash to his naked back. †* Page 15 * Logos, pathos * The pu rpose of this narrative is to get readers to see how awful and inhumane slavery is, and to want to abolish it. This statement is clearly wrong (logos) and causes readers to sympathize with Douglass and agree that slavery should be banned. * â€Å"He would at times seem to take great pleasure†¦ would he cesase to swing the blood-clotted cowskin. †* Pages 15-16 * Logos, pathos, ethos * Douglass is writing this narrative to address slavery and give readers an idea of what being a slave is really like. To further show this, he uses this quote to show just how inhumane the owners can be. By using a specific example, he gives himself credibility of knowing what he’s talking about and really having witnessed torturous events. The language and tone used appeal to the pathos appeal because he sounds so angry about the things he has seen. * â€Å"To all these complaints, no matter how unjust†¦ thirty lashes at a the time. Because most of the audience is already abolitionist or open to abolishing slavery, Douglass knows they will find this passage unfair. Also, most of the audience is adults, and Douglass’ description of Old Barney gets them to sympathize with him. Logos Douglass is showing the audience that there are reasons why they don’t hear too much about why slavery is so bad, because the slaves have fatal consequences if they complain. His diction is very factual and straight to the point, due to his educated audience. His purpose in writing is to get people to see how dark slavery is, and this quote shows why some people might not think slavery is so bad. * â€Å"Mr. Gore then, without consultation or deliberation with any one†¦ He alone seemed cool and collected.
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